Tentang Sinar Laut Steel

Kami menyediakan spare part mesin hitung uang, mesin sortir uang, dan mesin ATM berkualitas tinggi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis Anda.

A collection of toy currency items scattered on a white surface, including green rectangular bills marked with 100 and round coins marked with 5 and 1. There are also a few orange and gray circular pieces.
A collection of toy currency items scattered on a white surface, including green rectangular bills marked with 100 and round coins marked with 5 and 1. There are also a few orange and gray circular pieces.



Kualitas Terpercaya

Pelayanan Prima

Pelayanan yang sangat memuaskan! Spare part mesin hitung uang yang saya pesan tiba tepat waktu dan berkualitas tinggi. Sangat direkomendasikan untuk kebutuhan bisnis.

Andi Setiawan

A close-up view of an old, mechanical cash register with numerous round buttons displaying numbers and letters in various colors. The buttons are arranged in rows and columns, mounted on long metal rods which protrude at different angles. The surface of the cash register shows signs of wear and age with a metallic, slightly rusty texture.
A close-up view of an old, mechanical cash register with numerous round buttons displaying numbers and letters in various colors. The buttons are arranged in rows and columns, mounted on long metal rods which protrude at different angles. The surface of the cash register shows signs of wear and age with a metallic, slightly rusty texture.
